Dear Family,
This week has been another crazy week. We are still trying to figure out everything with the two wards. Luckily our trio is doing great :) I really do like working with Sister Morgan. She is a sweet sister that really helps when things are getting rough with teaching Sister Letoa. It it nice to have someone else there to help with all of that. Everything is just going great.
We are adjusting to all of us living together. The place we have is really small, but it has been going great. We are able to study, and do the things that we need to do there. It is going well. I kinda feel like I am living at home, kinda. Sharing everything with more than one girl. It is working. I enjoy it all a lot :)
This week has been full of lots of adventures. About a week and a half ago I had hurt my knee but kinda pushed it off for a little while. Well last Sunday I had our Bishop's wife look at my knee. She said that I should go into the doctor and get an X-ray of my knee just to see what it was. So, that is what we did on Tuesday. Turns out, because of the activity that I have been having on my leg my meniscus was inflamed. I had to be on crutches and with a brace for about a week. It is all okay though. One of our members got a picture and sent it to Mommy, that was really nice. I also had the mission office call home so that they would know that all is okay. A couple of days later we went to Sister Brice's house, the bishops wife, and she told me that a radiologist had looked at my x-ray. It turns out that my knee cap is deformed. Because of my bike accident about 10 years ago my knee healed funny and there is now a hook on my knee cap. Because of this hook I have to be very careful. The doctor also said that at some point I am going to have to get surgery on my knee so that it can be fixed. Luckily that doesn't have to happen now. All I have to do is not run, or jump rope, and be very careful on it. It will all be okay. I just gotta heal. It will take about 6 weeks for it to fully heal, so now I am just being as careful as I can and trying my best not to injure it anymore.
This week we were able to teach our two progressing investigators!! We taught Adrian on Tuesday, and it went really well. We have been inviting members to everyone of our lessons and that day we taught the Plan of Salvation with Kelcy and Mike. It was so good! On Sunday Kelcy got up and bore her testimony about how much the lesson helped strengthen her. It was really cool that your lessons are not just helping the investigator but they are helping the members there. It really was amazing. Adrian is progressing well. We are making sure he understands all of our lessons, and reteach them if he doesn't. It truly is amazing to teach people and then ask them what we have taught and they can say it back to us. I love it so much!
We were also able to teach our other investigator Ernest this week. It was a good lesson. We read 3 Nephi 11 with him. I never realized how much that chapter focuses on baptism. It is exactly what we needed when we taught him. It was amazing! We were able to teach that lesson on the temple grounds. That is my favorite place to teach. The Spirit is just so strong!!! We got to teach Ernest twice this week. The second time we read chapter 12 of 3 Nephi. It was a different spirit, but I hope he understood. Ernest is going through some really difficult times right now. We are trying our best to help him, but I have come to realize that it is all up to him if he truly wants to accept the gospel, become clean from all of his sins and be free from his troubles. It is a choice that everyone we teach has to make.
Because we are the singles ward we get to go to a lot of really fun activities. This past week we had FHE, which was crab soccer. It was fun to watch. We were also able to be in break the fast. It is so nice to be able to be around these wonderful young adults. I am really going to miss them if I get transferred. They have all become my friends and I hope to never loose contact with them, like ever.
This past Saturday was the General Womens Broadcast. I have to say that I started crying even before the meeting actually started. There was something in the Spirit there that was so strong. It was amazing to sit with wonderful women, and girls. It really made me feel like I was at home. There were so many girls there at the stake center. The speakers were also amazing. If you have not watched it please go and watch it. It is amazing! The Spirit is just so strong!
This past week has just been crazy. With the doctors appointment and then last night I hurt our car... We were coming out of ward prayer (my favorite thing ever!) Last night I got in a small accident. While I was leaving Bishop's house to go and pick up Sister Morgan from her appointment, and instead of following what Sister Letoa wanted to do and backing out of the driveway, I decided to pull forward and around. I ended up misjudging how much room I had for the car in between another car and a small brick wall. I ended up hitting the brick wall, and causing a very large dent and scratch in the door. No one got hurt, and it was only the mission vehicle that got damaged. It was crazy. I kinda went into shock when it happened. Everything was going so fast. I ended up running into Bishop's home and just kinda looked at Bishop and was like, 'I ruined the car'. I had gotten the car stuck while trying to move it. It was so frightening!! I have never done that before. I hope that everything will be okay.
Well, I love you all so much!! This next week is going to go great! I know that the Lord answers our prayers. Have a wonderful conference weekend! Before you watch conference, go in with a question. I promise that it will be answered.
I know that this gospel it true! I know that our prayers our answered! I know that I would not be here without the gospel. I am strong, and growing stronger in my faith everyday. You can too, just ask.
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week full of miracles!! <3<3<3<3
This week has been another crazy week. We are still trying to figure out everything with the two wards. Luckily our trio is doing great :) I really do like working with Sister Morgan. She is a sweet sister that really helps when things are getting rough with teaching Sister Letoa. It it nice to have someone else there to help with all of that. Everything is just going great.
We are adjusting to all of us living together. The place we have is really small, but it has been going great. We are able to study, and do the things that we need to do there. It is going well. I kinda feel like I am living at home, kinda. Sharing everything with more than one girl. It is working. I enjoy it all a lot :)
This week has been full of lots of adventures. About a week and a half ago I had hurt my knee but kinda pushed it off for a little while. Well last Sunday I had our Bishop's wife look at my knee. She said that I should go into the doctor and get an X-ray of my knee just to see what it was. So, that is what we did on Tuesday. Turns out, because of the activity that I have been having on my leg my meniscus was inflamed. I had to be on crutches and with a brace for about a week. It is all okay though. One of our members got a picture and sent it to Mommy, that was really nice. I also had the mission office call home so that they would know that all is okay. A couple of days later we went to Sister Brice's house, the bishops wife, and she told me that a radiologist had looked at my x-ray. It turns out that my knee cap is deformed. Because of my bike accident about 10 years ago my knee healed funny and there is now a hook on my knee cap. Because of this hook I have to be very careful. The doctor also said that at some point I am going to have to get surgery on my knee so that it can be fixed. Luckily that doesn't have to happen now. All I have to do is not run, or jump rope, and be very careful on it. It will all be okay. I just gotta heal. It will take about 6 weeks for it to fully heal, so now I am just being as careful as I can and trying my best not to injure it anymore.
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This is the pictures that was sent to Mom |
This week we were able to teach our two progressing investigators!! We taught Adrian on Tuesday, and it went really well. We have been inviting members to everyone of our lessons and that day we taught the Plan of Salvation with Kelcy and Mike. It was so good! On Sunday Kelcy got up and bore her testimony about how much the lesson helped strengthen her. It was really cool that your lessons are not just helping the investigator but they are helping the members there. It really was amazing. Adrian is progressing well. We are making sure he understands all of our lessons, and reteach them if he doesn't. It truly is amazing to teach people and then ask them what we have taught and they can say it back to us. I love it so much!
Sister Leota, Chaylee, Sister Morgan |
Because we are the singles ward we get to go to a lot of really fun activities. This past week we had FHE, which was crab soccer. It was fun to watch. We were also able to be in break the fast. It is so nice to be able to be around these wonderful young adults. I am really going to miss them if I get transferred. They have all become my friends and I hope to never loose contact with them, like ever.
This past Saturday was the General Womens Broadcast. I have to say that I started crying even before the meeting actually started. There was something in the Spirit there that was so strong. It was amazing to sit with wonderful women, and girls. It really made me feel like I was at home. There were so many girls there at the stake center. The speakers were also amazing. If you have not watched it please go and watch it. It is amazing! The Spirit is just so strong!
This past week has just been crazy. With the doctors appointment and then last night I hurt our car... We were coming out of ward prayer (my favorite thing ever!) Last night I got in a small accident. While I was leaving Bishop's house to go and pick up Sister Morgan from her appointment, and instead of following what Sister Letoa wanted to do and backing out of the driveway, I decided to pull forward and around. I ended up misjudging how much room I had for the car in between another car and a small brick wall. I ended up hitting the brick wall, and causing a very large dent and scratch in the door. No one got hurt, and it was only the mission vehicle that got damaged. It was crazy. I kinda went into shock when it happened. Everything was going so fast. I ended up running into Bishop's home and just kinda looked at Bishop and was like, 'I ruined the car'. I had gotten the car stuck while trying to move it. It was so frightening!! I have never done that before. I hope that everything will be okay.
Well, I love you all so much!! This next week is going to go great! I know that the Lord answers our prayers. Have a wonderful conference weekend! Before you watch conference, go in with a question. I promise that it will be answered.
I know that this gospel it true! I know that our prayers our answered! I know that I would not be here without the gospel. I am strong, and growing stronger in my faith everyday. You can too, just ask.
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week full of miracles!! <3<3<3<3
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