Dear Family,
This week has been a full one!!
We have been able to meet with our two investigators, and they have been progressing!!
Update on the knee. I am officially off of crutches!!! I was able to talk to the doctor that is helping me with my knee, it is also really nice, because she is our Bishops's wife :) She said that I am good to go!! I just have to keep taking anti-inflammatory to make sure it will all be okay, and then all should be well :) I am so happy to be able to walk again!! Crutches are no fun.
This week was just good. We have a bonfire last week for FHE, and it was a lot of fun! It was good just to relax for a minute and take a load off for a little bit. Last Monday was just a lot of running around, and getting things taken care of with car, and all that has been happening in our area. It has been good though.
We have been able to eat a lot this week in the Prospect Park ward, which is the family ward that we are covering in our trio. It is so different being back in a family ward. The dinners are really nice, but I kinda don't miss the food that we were having. It is nice to be back to home cooked meals instead of restaurants and fast food. It is all going well :)
This week we were able to meet with our investigator Ernest, and you will never guess what happened. He is now on date for baptism!! It was so exciting! Sister Letoa extended the invitation for baptism, and I have to be honest, I thought that he was going to say no, and then he said yes!! She then asked him if he would be baptized on a specific date, but didn't have one available. It then became one of those awkward silence moments when you aren't sure what to say, and we didn't have a date picked out, so I said the first date that came to my mind. April 22. Well, it turns out, that after he said yes, and we were headed to the car, April 22 is a Tuesday... yeah, that one was my bad. So, we are going to ask him if he want to be baptized on either April 26, or May 3 which are both Saturdays. It should be good :) We are excited to see what happens :) He is going to get baptized, and that is what matters the most!! :)
Other than that experience in that lesson, nothing to exciting happened, well, other than the bike race. Did you know that every year there is a professional bike race in Southern California?? Yup, there is one. We were able to go to it, because the entire thing took place in our mission, and on Saturday and Sunday, the same days of conference, there was a race in Redlands. Right where we were :) It was actually really exciting. I had never been to a bike race before, but I enjoyed it a lot. :) They are very exciting.
Conference was also this weekend!! It was so great to be able to listen to the words of our Prophet and Apostles!! I had a couple of questions and they were all answered! It as amazing! I wanted to know how to best help my area, and the ward, and the thing that I got was to love them . It is so true though. I loved all the talks about love. Kidna ironic huh? It was wonderful! The Spirit was so strong in all the meetings!! I am also very grateful that I am not serving in the area that the mashed potatoes sisters are serving in, like in Elder Hollands talk. It was a really good conference. If you haven't read or watched it, you should :)
Other than that nothing to exciting. Life is moving along. Getting to the half way point, and doing pretty good.
I love you all so much!! Have a wonderful week, and know that you are in my prayers!! Have a wonderful week!!
xoxoxoxox <3 <3 <3 :*