August 19th, 2013
I do have to say that it is kinda weird to think that on Sunday, I will have been on my mission for one month. It is just crazy how time has gone by so quickly. I feel like I have only been on my mission for like a week. Everything goes by so quickly. It feels like I was just emailing everyone like yesterday. Craziness!!
Emily is back in town, so I got to see her on Sunday!! :) (Her college roommate, and daughter of the Bishop) It was exciting. My companion and I were about to walk into sacrament meeting, and then all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was Emily!! I went to hug her, and then realized that my arms were full and has to put all of my things down, and then got to hug her :P It was exciting. My companion and I have decided that we are going to take Emily out with us :P
Right now, we are visiting a lot of single sisters. In our ward, there are about 49 single sisters. A lot of them have been divorced, widowed, or were never married. We are going around, making sure that they know we are here to help them out, and letting them know that their Lord loves them.
We are also going and teaching a few people that the Elders have told us to go and see. We are teaching these two sweet sisters that have both had strokes, and they are looking for God. Every time we go and see them, they are begging us to go to church. We keep telling them that we are working on it. It is just hard. Neither of them can drive, so we have to find someone who can take them to church. The bad thing, is that we still don't know many people in the ward, so we are struggling a little. We did bring up the need for a ride in Ward council yesterday, and we now have help in finding them a ride. Yay!! :)
We are also teaching a sister who is a very less active member. She was baptized into the church when she was really young. She got married, and raised her kids all in the church, but then something happened with her husband, and she fell away from the church, and hasn't been back for over 30 years. She actually called us, and wanted to see us. We have gone over once, and we are bring her back to the gospel! She wants to be back so bad, and she says she is going to do all that she can to come back. We are so very excited for her!!
We also met a man last night, who has a very interesting story. Last night, me and my companion were about to do companion study (didn't do it in the morning, because we had ward council at 7:30) and then we got a phone call from our district leader. He told us that he was really worried about a man named Rex McBride. Apparently Rex has manic depression, and when our district leader told us about him the first time, he forgot to mention that little detail. Nobody had seen Rex in about three weeks, and the elders were getting really worried. So, at 7:30 pm me and my companion run out of the apartment to make sure that the man was okay. We get to his house, and he answers the door, and the first thing he said was, "isn't it getting a little late for you darling sisters to be out and about?" I thought, didn't say, yes, it is. We aren't allowed to be out after dark unless we are at an appointment, because President Vann Cott doesn't want anything to happen to us. Which makes perfect sense to me. I don't like being out after dark anyways :P So, we go in, make sure that this man is alright, and he starts telling us his story. Apparently, this man was excommunicated for some reason. He is actually grateful for the church disciplinary procedure, and understands the church. He has one of the strongest testimonies that I have every felt about the gospel, and was sharing so much with us. So much, that we ended up being about 15 minutes late for curfew. Our roommates, district leaders, and our zone leaders were all calling us. It was crazy to be sitting on the couch and feeling the phone vibrate. We were informed by our zone leaders, that when we can't seem to end our visit, and the phone is ringing, to answer the phone, and use that as an excuse to leave. Now we know :) It was really neat to her this man's story though. He has been through so much, but still loves the gospel and what it teaches. I have decided that I am going to do all that I can to get this man closer to baptism.
I love you all bunches!!

I do have to say that it is kinda weird to think that on Sunday, I will have been on my mission for one month. It is just crazy how time has gone by so quickly. I feel like I have only been on my mission for like a week. Everything goes by so quickly. It feels like I was just emailing everyone like yesterday. Craziness!!
Emily is back in town, so I got to see her on Sunday!! :) (Her college roommate, and daughter of the Bishop) It was exciting. My companion and I were about to walk into sacrament meeting, and then all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was Emily!! I went to hug her, and then realized that my arms were full and has to put all of my things down, and then got to hug her :P It was exciting. My companion and I have decided that we are going to take Emily out with us :P
Right now, we are visiting a lot of single sisters. In our ward, there are about 49 single sisters. A lot of them have been divorced, widowed, or were never married. We are going around, making sure that they know we are here to help them out, and letting them know that their Lord loves them.
We are also going and teaching a few people that the Elders have told us to go and see. We are teaching these two sweet sisters that have both had strokes, and they are looking for God. Every time we go and see them, they are begging us to go to church. We keep telling them that we are working on it. It is just hard. Neither of them can drive, so we have to find someone who can take them to church. The bad thing, is that we still don't know many people in the ward, so we are struggling a little. We did bring up the need for a ride in Ward council yesterday, and we now have help in finding them a ride. Yay!! :)
We are also teaching a sister who is a very less active member. She was baptized into the church when she was really young. She got married, and raised her kids all in the church, but then something happened with her husband, and she fell away from the church, and hasn't been back for over 30 years. She actually called us, and wanted to see us. We have gone over once, and we are bring her back to the gospel! She wants to be back so bad, and she says she is going to do all that she can to come back. We are so very excited for her!!
We also met a man last night, who has a very interesting story. Last night, me and my companion were about to do companion study (didn't do it in the morning, because we had ward council at 7:30) and then we got a phone call from our district leader. He told us that he was really worried about a man named Rex McBride. Apparently Rex has manic depression, and when our district leader told us about him the first time, he forgot to mention that little detail. Nobody had seen Rex in about three weeks, and the elders were getting really worried. So, at 7:30 pm me and my companion run out of the apartment to make sure that the man was okay. We get to his house, and he answers the door, and the first thing he said was, "isn't it getting a little late for you darling sisters to be out and about?" I thought, didn't say, yes, it is. We aren't allowed to be out after dark unless we are at an appointment, because President Vann Cott doesn't want anything to happen to us. Which makes perfect sense to me. I don't like being out after dark anyways :P So, we go in, make sure that this man is alright, and he starts telling us his story. Apparently, this man was excommunicated for some reason. He is actually grateful for the church disciplinary procedure, and understands the church. He has one of the strongest testimonies that I have every felt about the gospel, and was sharing so much with us. So much, that we ended up being about 15 minutes late for curfew. Our roommates, district leaders, and our zone leaders were all calling us. It was crazy to be sitting on the couch and feeling the phone vibrate. We were informed by our zone leaders, that when we can't seem to end our visit, and the phone is ringing, to answer the phone, and use that as an excuse to leave. Now we know :) It was really neat to her this man's story though. He has been through so much, but still loves the gospel and what it teaches. I have decided that I am going to do all that I can to get this man closer to baptism.
I love you all bunches!!

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